Another winter EYOF is over!

Tonight, the 15th European Youth Olympic Festival EYOF Vuokatti 2022 ended in Vuokatti, Finland.

The closing ceremony began with the intonation of the Finnish national anthem, after which the flag bearers of the participating countries walked around the Vuokatti Arena, symbolically surrounding the Flame of Peace. In a short program, the Mayor, the President of the Organizing Committee and the President of the European Olympic Committees, who declared EYOF officially closed. The flame of peace was put out, and the EOC flag was lowered from the mast and traditionally handed over to the host of the next, 16th winter edition - EYOF Friuli Venezia Giulia 2023, which will be held in Italy from January 21 to 28, 2023.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by four athletes accompanied by 3 coaches, and their results are as follows:

Podsjećamo da je ovo prvo izdanje EYOF-a nakon 2019. godine kada su domaćini bili Sarajevo i Istočno Sarajevo. Sam Festival se smatra vitalnim korakom u razvoju sporta mladih gdje se sportisti po prvi put susreću sa velikim multisportskim takmičenjem.  Učešće na EYOF-u u mnogobrojnim slučajevima bude prekretnica u karijeri mladih sportista, od kojih značajan procenat izbori učešće na Olimpijskim igrama.

Našem timu čestitamo na učešću i nastupima i želimo mnogo sreće u nastavku sportske karijere.


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