EU projects


Project name: Education of athletes in entrepreneurship - a new approach to the dual career of athletes -  AtLETyC

Project duration: 01.01.2016. – 30.06.2018.

AtLETyC Consortium:


  1. FH Joanneum– FHJ
  2. World University Service Austria - Wus
  3. Verein Karriere Danach – Kada


  1. University of Ljubljana-Faculty of Sports – FSP
  2. Slovenian University Sport Association – Susa


  1. University of Torino – UNITO
  2. Italian Culture And Sports Associations – AICS


  1. Lithuanian Sports University – LSU
  2. Lithuanian Union Of Sports Federations – LSFS


  1. Hungarian University of Physical Education – HUPE

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  1. Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina – OCBIH
  2. University of Sarajevo; Faculty of Sport and Physical Education - FASTO

General aim of the project:

The aim of the project AtLETyC (AtLETyC – Athletes Learning Entrepreneurship – a new Type of Dual Career Approach) is the development of educational material on entrepreneurship specifically designed for top athletes with the aim of improving education and access to dual careers for athletes. According to the "Mixed Learning" system, the training will consist of online and face-to-face modules. Also, as part of the project implementation, there will be work on the curriculum of entrepreneurship based on the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) learning system, and specially designed for the needs of top athletes.

Specific aims:

  • Establish and implement an educational program based on modules, i.e. innovative MOOC e-learning program, in various European cities, including Universities and sports organizations to promote e-learning
  • Improve professional / higher education within the Entrepreneurship of Athletes that will be offered in the form of modules
  • Achieve agreements that will be created according to needs as the best solutions presented in the EU guide for Dual Athletes' Careers

Project activities:


Dissemination and sustainability

Quality assurance and evaluation

  • A1       Education needs and GAP analysis
  • A2       Establishing a strategy
  • A3       Creation of  a plan and program
  • A4       Creation of educational material
  • A5       Creation of MOOC
  • A6       Creation of an evaluation system
  • A7       Pilot training
  • A8       Adaptation of educational material according to evaluation and lessons learned
  • A9       Establishment and implementation of a dissemination strategy
  • A10     Creation of a Project Identity Tool    
  • A11     Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights
  • A12     Creation of  a business plan and self-sustainability including marketing
  • A13     Quality Management
  • A14     Creation and implementation of evaluation of process quality and obtained results
  • A15     Project Management

Project name: How to lead a sports club to a succsessful future SportGo

Project duration: 01.01.2015. – 30.06.2017.

SportGo Consortium:

  1. University of  Ljubljana, Slovenia
  2. Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania
  3. University West Hungary, Hungary
  4. WUS Austria, Austria
  5. Lithuanian Union Of Sports Federations – LSFS, Lithuania
  6. Volleyball Association Styrian– Austria
  7. Olympic Committee of Slovenia Slovenia
  8. Universidad de Alicante, Spain
  9. Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH
  10. University of Sarajevo; Faculty of Sport and Physical Education - FASTO, BiH
  11. Hockey Federation of Spain, Spain
  12. Orienteering Association of the Province of Vas, Hungary

Project aim:

The implementation of the SportGO project aims to support sports clubs by designing a practical training program that will improve the skills of employees of amateur or semi-professional clubs.

  • Improving possible structures and implementing cost-effective management structures for semi-professional and amateur clubs
  • Encouraging basic sports activities by supporting the management of semi-professional and amateur clubs and establishing quality conditions for active members
  • Strengthening national and regional sports governing bodies with a larger number of educational activities specially designed for their members, and increasing the capacity in education of representatives of sports clubs
  • Exchange of knowledge and knowhow in the management and administration of sports clubs, between higher education institutions and sports clubs and vice versa
  • Improving the development of younger members of society through "healthy" sports clubs that actively encourage the education of young people

Special aims:

  • Development of innovative training programs that will increase the management capacity of amateur and semi-professional clubs.
  • Enable regional / national sports bodies to offer adequate management training to their members of amateur and semi-professional clubs
  • Strengthening / development of management skills of employees of amateur and semi-professional sports clubs through participation in training programs that will be designed by this project
  • Improve the conditions of active club members who will participate in the test phase of the project

Project description:

How to lead a sports club to a successful future SportGo is a project implemented within the Erasmus + Sport program of the European Union. A consortium of 12 partners, higher education institutions and national sports organizations is responsible for its implementation. The Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Sarajevo and the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina are responsible for the implementation of the project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the project implementation of SportGo, 14 activities will be implemented, which will be divided in accordance with the project obligations, namely: implementation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination.

  1. Education needs and GAP analysis (analysis of the current situation)
  2. Defining the necessary skills and strategies
  3. Preparation of education plan and program
  4. Preparation of educational material for the needs of the program "Successful manager of a semi-professional sports club"
  5. Creation of an evaluation system of education
  6. Implementation of the test phase
  7. Adaptation of educational material according to the evaluation report and lessons learned
  8. Setting up and implementing a dissemination strategy
  9. Creation of a project identity tool
  10. Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights
  11. Creation of a business plan and self-sustainability including marketing
  12. Creation and use of the Management Quality Manual
  13. Creation and implementation of evaluation of process quality and obtained results
  14. Creation of a project management strategy


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