News and Useful Information


Cross Border cooperation 



In the scope of the Third call of IPA Cross border cooperation programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020 all potential applicants are invited to participate in the training in the capacity building for the project and concept note development.


Good news for current and future project partners - Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro will continue with its activities in the period 2021-2027. 

Eight thematic priorities defined in the 2014-2020 programme will be implemented in the new programme through five goals:

  • A smarter Europe – innovative and smart economic transformation;
  • A greener, low-carbon Europe;
  • A more connected Europe – mobility and regional ICT connectivity;
  • A more social Europe – implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights;
  • Europe closer to citizens – sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas through local initiatives


15, 16 & 17 October 2020: Three days of celebration of the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and beyond during the #ErasmusDays. A unique opportunity to organize an event, share your Erasmus experience or spread the word about your project.

International mobility and European citizenship are once again at the heart of the #ErasmusDays 2020. In 2019, 3 995 events were held in 53 countries! Are you ready to do even better this year?

Whether you are an Erasmus+ beneficiary, an European actor or an alumni of the programme, the #ErasmusDays will give you the chance to share your experience, organize an event or spread the word about your project.

Do you want to study or train abroad? The #ErasmusDays give you three dedicated days to learn about the Erasmus+ Programme and talk with the programme’s alumni who will be happy to share their experiences with you!

Exhibitions, concerts, contests, seminars, partner networking, open days, distribution of Europass Mobility documents, digital events,… The success of the #ErasmusDays is bottom up: it means that local events are organized by and for citizens.
Many countries organize a multitude of actions for the #Erasmusdays.

There’s not a minute to lose: organize an #ErasmusDays event, participate in one near you, share an event or post a testimonial on social networks about your European experience and your commitment to Europe!

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