As part of the preparations for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Olympic Games in Sarajevo, the leaders of the Organizing Committee for the celebration of this great date held a press conference in the Olympic Museum, in which they informed the public about the program of the Event.

The Mayor of the City of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić, pointed out that all citizens of the City of Sarajevo, regardless of age, will, through the implementation of these activities, create a positive story that will be sent from Sarajevo to the World. Sarajevo was the center of the World and this year will show that it is the heart of Europe.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Jasmin Ademović, presented an extremely extensive project consisting of sports, cultural, artistic and other programs, which will be held in the city itself and at the Olympic arenas. He also praised the excellent synergy with the sports clubs and sports federations of BiH, which will host Olympic champions such as the legendary Torvill and Dean as part of their events and competitions.

The Cantonal Minister of Sports and Culture, Kenan Magoda, pointed out that the Canton of Sarajevo financially supported many cultural and sports events and the entire project with the aim of providing cultural program and strengthening the sports system.

Secretary General of the Sarajevo Olympics, Ahmed Karabegović, praised the comprehensive and ambitious program that will celebrate the Winter Olympics 1984, but also asked that the City of Sarajevo should be better branded as an Olympic city in the future. He suggested that Olympism should be celebrated throughout the year and not only in February, and that this problem should be approached systematically through education in schools.

President of the BiH Olympic Committee prof. dr. Izet Rađo informed the attendees that the event will be attended by the highest authorities of the International and European Olympic Committees, as well as the presidents of the Olympic Committees of the former Yugoslavia, with the aim of meeting with members of the BiH Presidency and competent ministers, to discuss the idea of the city of Sarajevo (with the Olympic regions) being the host of the 2032 Youth Olympic Games (YOG 2032). He pointed out that this event marking the 40th anniversary will celebrate the Olympic past of the city of Sarajevo, and that by realizing the idea of hosting the YOG, Sarajevo will be marked as an Olympic city for the third time and as a "city with a vision".

President Rađo sent sincere congratulations to Mayor Karić and City Council Chairman Ademović for managing a well-designed project.

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