Continuation of activities on the renovation of the Olympic Museum

As part of the activities of the project for the renovation of the original building of the Olympic Museum in Petrakijina Street, which is owned by the Olympic Committee of BiH, another in a series of meetings of all entities involved in this capital project was held today.

During several hours of discussion, it was agreed to overcome many problems that are normal and in line with the implementation of this type of project. The current focus in the realization of this project is on the interior works, and very soon the arrangement of the roof structure and the environment will begin, when favorable weather conditions are obtained.

The Olympic Committee together with the donors of this Project (City of Sarajevo, Sarajevo Canton, Council of Ministers, UNESCO and IOC Olympic Solidarity) envisages the completion of the activities of the reconstruction of the Olympic Museum by the end of the summer of this year.

The meeting was hosted by the Secretary General of the Olympic Committee, and the meeting was attended by representatives of the City of Sarajevo, Archi Plus, Unigradnja, Urbing and subcontractors.

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