The mission of organizing the "green, inclusive, open, and clean" Games is also a guide to work on sustainability throughout the process of preparing and holding the Games. The Beijing 2022 Games are the first Olympic Games to follow the 2020 Olympic Program, of the International Olympic Committee.
Beijing 2022 and the host city authorities are working together to protect natural resources and the environment in and around the competition zones of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. They are also actively responding to climate change and seeking to organize Games with neutral carbon emissions; implement a sustainable resource for the development of a green, low-carbon environment, strengthen joint prevention and control of regional pollution, effectively improving the environment of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou region and contributing to a more beautiful China through preparations for the Games.
In the entire process of planning, construction, operation, and use after the Games, the priority is on environmental protection. In accordance with the current laws and regulations, environmental impact assessments were performed in the planning and design phases. New and temporary spaces are built on rigorous environmental impact assessments, and advanced energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies will be widely used to conserve and recycle resources and energy and minimize negative environmental impacts. Comprehensive and detailed environmental impact assessments have been made for each competition site, as well as proposed and implemented measures for environmental protection, prevention of environmental pollution, and environmental compensation, in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Full use of existing venues and facilities of the 2008 Beijing Olympics
Olympic Green, the National Stadium, the National Water Sports Center, and other venues for the 2008 Beijing Olympics have been fully utilized, and existing facilities and infrastructure are used as much as possible as a general strategy.
The Organizing Committee of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games actively researched "repeated, comprehensive and sustainable use" to make the most of existing sites, adapted to local conditions and take full advantage of the legacy of the Beijing 2008 Games. They also applied the latest scientific and technological advances to meet the needs of ice competition and opening and closing ceremonies, etc. These measures have managed to reduce resource consumption, reduce carbon emissions and environmental impacts during preparations for the Games, and lay a solid foundation for the use of post-Games space for multiple sports and business forms.