Promotion of Carling as part of events on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of WOG Sarajevo '84

The Curling Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized the promotion of this sport at several locations in Sarajevo and East Sarajevo.

All those interested could try, train and play curling on the outdoor rink as part of the "Winter in East New Sarajevo" event, in the period from December 27, 2023 to January 20, 2024, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the morning and evening. Demonstrators were representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina in curling. Many participants heard about curling for the first time and saw what this game, which is also called "chess on ice", looks like.

The curling track was also installed at the outdoor ice rink in Pale, East Sarajevo. Unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions, curling was only played for two days, but that was enough to present this Olympic sport.

Curling was played at another location on an outdoor rink - Sarajevo Olympic Week and Street Food Market included a Curling Workshop on ice in their program.

The main and biggest promotion of curling was organized as part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the XIV Olympic Games in Sarajevo in 1984.

The event was held on February 12, 2024 in the center of Skenderija, sports hall "Mirza Delibašić". The BiH Curling Association presented the sport and the rules of the game, and organized a demonstration match where all those interested had the opportunity to try this game. Demonstrators tried their best to present it in the most entertaining and accessible way. Students of grades 7 and 8 took their first steps in this sport. Some of them have shown great talent and maybe they will be the new representatives of BH curling.

President of the OC BiH, academician prof. Dr. Izet Rađo and Vice President Prof. Dr. Milanko Mučibabić attended this event, and on that occasion, together with the hosts, Mr. Miro Klepić, president of the Association and prof. dr. Vladan Savić, member of the Board of Directors of the Association and coach of the BiH national team in curling, exchanged gifts on the occasion of this important jubilee.

At the end of the event, an exhibition match was held between the BiH Senior National Team in curling, which is also preparing for the European Championship in Scotland, and the Junior National Team, which performed at the EYOF 2023 Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Also, this interesting event was attended by Gregor Rigler, Secretary General of the Slovenian Curling Association and member of the World Curling Federation and our former Olympian from 1984, speed skater Bibija Kerla.

Mr. Gregor's visit also had the aim of educating members of the Association, which was held in the premises of the Curling Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Through these activities, the Curling Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina managed to inform the public more closely about this Olympic sport, bring the rules and the game closer, and attract interested people who will join a club and start actively training this sport. Also, they showed that curling is a fun game for both young and older generations. The Association points out that they are pleased with the growing interest of young people in this sport.

The Curling Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina thanked the City of Sarajevo and everyone who participated and supported these events.

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