30th anniversary of the admission to the World Olympic Family

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the admission of the BiH Olympic Committee to the International Olympic Committee, a formal academy was held tonight in Sarajevo, which brought together the leaders of the European Olympic Committees, national Olympic committees from the surrounding area, a large number of deserving athletes, and representatives of the public and political life of our country.

President of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, academician prof. Dr. Izet Rađo, addressing the audience, recalled the three-decade long journey. On this solemn occasion, he announced that OK BiH is launching a candidacy for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG). On this occasion, he pointed out that: "The Olympic Committee believes in the determination of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina to support us in this exceptional idea, with our gratitude and wish that everyone tonight keeps this belief in themselves and strengthens this belief in the days ahead."

Tonight, the guests had the opportunity to watch a short film about the journey of the Olympic Committee, from its very beginnings to today. About how the Olympic Committee of a small country can make great strides.

On the occasion of this jubilee, in front of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the minister, Ph.D. Dubravka Bošnjak. She sent a warm letter and sincere congratulations through which she expressed her deep gratitude to OK BiH for everything he did for sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In a video message, the president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, spoke and emphasized that, in these 30 years, our athletes have firmly placed Bosnia and Herzegovina on the world sports map.

The President of the European Olympic Committees, Spyros Capralos, also addressed the audience, who referred to the importance of EYOF 2019, which demonstrated the power of sport for peace and unity, gathered young athletes from all European countries and enabled them to experience many different cultures for the first time. "Bosnia and Herzegovina helped us to convey this strong message to the world."

On behalf of the previous presidents of OK BiH, Prof. dr Nađa Avdibašić - Vukadinović, who emphasized in her excellent speech that "This Olympic Committee can be an inspiration and a stimulus for the institutions of the state of BiH, how can, when you have a clear vision, without any backup options, what is planned and started in the broader Euro-Atlantic integrations be done", as one of the important keys to the resolution of many ambiguities that exist in BiH society today. With such a vision, this Olympic Committee developed and continues to develop an energy that, perhaps, sometimes declined, but new creative solutions were always coming with which to respond to new challenges and new achievements."

Also, the president of the Founding Assembly of OK BiH, Ahmed Karabegović, expressed his satisfaction with the fact that he was among the sports workers who initiated the idea of forming an umbrella organization of sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina and formed the BiH Olympic Committee. In his moving speech, he said that "Sarajevo is the only city in the Balkans whose citizens had the honor of welcoming the Olympic flame twice. The number of citizens present at the EYOF opening ceremony speaks of the fact that the Olympic spirit is still present in this city, believing that the generations that will come after us will make an effort to once again host Sarajevo and its citizens for the third time. welcome the Olympic flame in their city."

On the occasion of this jubilee, the Olympic Committee presented Plaques to deserving individuals for their contribution to the development of sports and Olympic values.

So far, 55 Bosnians and Herzegovinians have won 64 Olympic medals. Tonight, the inimitable basketball player Razija Mujanović and soccer player Mirsad Baljić were present. Along with our Olympians, the winners of the first gold medals for Bosnia and Herzegovina were also joined, among whom the boxer Almedin Fetahović and the already mentioned basketball player Razija Mujanović were present. Lana Pudar, Elvedina Muzaferia, Hamza Alić, Nedžad Husić and Amel Tuka proudly joined them.

Our best athlete, Olympian Amel Tuka, thanked the Olympic Committee for all the unreserved support for the athletes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and pointed out that the athletes must fight for a systemic solution, for a law that will solve the issue of financing representative sports and all of our national teams.

"Sport is useful and necessary. Sport is noble. Sport unites, unites and inspires."

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, freely calling you friends of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue its dedicated work in strengthening BiH sports and the sports system.

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