Invitation for submission of bids - event organization services

Invitation for submission of tender documentation for the provision of public event organization services within the implementation of the IPA project "ParaInspired!"


Event management services, Sarajevo, Indjija 


We hereby invite you to participate in the submission of bids within the simplified procedure for the above Agreement, and for the implementation of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina: "Social integration through parasport - ParaInspired!" integration through parasport - ParaInspired! '') which is financially supported by the European Commission. Complete documentation for submitting bids can be found in the attachment to this call. It includes the following:


PART A: Supplier Information

  1. Information for submitting a bid
  2. Technical information
  3. Additional information

Example of a Contract between a supplier and a contractor


PART B: Example of Supplier Bid

  1. Supplier information
  2. Supplier's statement
  3. Technical offer


PART C: Example of a financial offer


Other information

  1. List of entities invited to submit bids
  2. Example of an evaluation report


For more details on the tender procedure, please refer to the Practical Guide and Annexes, which you can download from the following website:

We expect you to submit your offer within the deadline specified in Item 1 Information for suppliers. Please send it to the address and in accordance with the requirements specified in the Supplier Information. By submitting a bid, you agree to receive notification of the results of the procedure electronically. If you choose not to submit a bid, please inform us in writing, including the reasons for your decision.

For tender documentation, please contact us via email:

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