ITF representatives visited NOC BIH

The Director for Development of ITF and Tennis in Europe, Mr.Vitor Cabral visited NOC BiH.

BiH Olympic Committee, hosted on July 17, 2019 Mr. Vitor Cabral, the Director of Development of ITF and Tennis in Europe. Mr. Vitor Cabral greeted all present, emphasizing the good experiences and stability of the Tennis Association of BiH, with a certain amount of concern regarding the capacity of the administration of the Tennis Association of BiH, which currently has one employee.

Mr. Senad Hadžimehić, Director of the Tennis Association of BiH and Mr. Jasmin Ademović, Marketing Manager of the Tennis Association of BiH, expressed satisfaction with the organization of the meeting, and said that the Tennis Association of BiH has excellent cooperation with the Olympic Committee of BiH and expressed the desire to agree more joint projects with special emphasis on young talents who are the future of BiH sports.

On behalf of the BiH Olympic Committee the President of the Olympic Committee of BiH, prof.dr., Izet Rađo thanked Mr. Cabral for his visit, and for his interest and desire to improve and strengthen the BiH Tennis Association. He added that the Tennis association of BiH has already realized two technical courses for coaches and that the third application has been approved, whose realization will strengthen the coaching segment of this association. He called on the federation to apply for additional Olympic Solidarity projects, which finance projects to improve the sports administration, all with the aim of strengthening this very important segment of every sports federation in BiH.

He also supported the idea of ​​building a national tennis center in BiH, and made available all the capacities of OCBIH in order to apply together with the federation and the ITF and implement as many projects as possible.

He emphasized that the President of the Tennis Association, Mr. Ivan Brkić, is a member of the Executive Committee of OCBIH, which regularly reports to OCBIH on all positive events, successes and adversities facing the Tennis Association of BiH in achieving its goals.

President prof.dr. Rađo and Vice President Mr. Kvesić presented symbolic gifts to Mr. Cabral and representatives of the Tennis Association, and invited them to join them tomorrow at 19:00 in the Olympic Committee on the occasion of the 365th day until the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

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